
A Simple, Secure and Sustainable Way to Broker Care Packages

Ulysses belongs to the CareLineLive family of software.

CareLineLive eBrokerage makes the brokering of social care packages fast, easy and simple to track.

  • Cut the numbers of unfilled care packages.
  • Reduce reliance on expensive spot contracting.
  • Simplify reporting of delivery and contract compliance.
  • Leave commissioners more time to focus on quality and planning.

More than ever, organisations that commission domiciliary care services need speed, simplicity and control. This is what eBrokerage delivers.

The eBrokerage platform is a secure and proven online marketplace, hosted in the UK. Instead of wading through spreadsheets and emails you have a self-contained cloud-based platform that is pure simplicity to use. Brokerage records and processes are all found in one place, accessible through multiple devices.

How it works

Brokers post new care packages online instantly.

Approved providers receive automated notifications and submit bids.

Brokers review bids and award packages with a few clicks.

All record keeping is taken care of automatically.

Everything happens within the same application. eBrokerage also closes the contract compliance loop by collecting data on delivery.

e-Brokerage – Easy to Set-Up and Use

Installation and remote training can be completed in just two weeks. The user interface is extremely simple to use, both for brokerage teams and care providers.

Spend less time on admin. Have more time to design services that meet the needs of your community.

Available via G-Cloud 12, via eBrokerage in Cloud Software.

Popular with Care Providers

Where eBrokerage is already in use, providers are more likely to bid for care packages. This is partly because they get automated notifications and can instantly see the location of the care user on a map. It’s also because it’s so simple and takes so little time.

If individual care packages become uneconomic for a provider there’s a facility to trade packages through an online marketplace controlled by the commissioning body.

All in all, eBrokerage improves the sustainability of individual providers and of the brokerage ecosystem.

Find out more

Head over to the CareLineLive website to learn more about eBrokerage software and other software solutions for the public sector.

Interested? Call 01865 890883 or click here to find out more.
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